Christ Church Pellon C of e VC Primary School

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The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music
  • Be taught to sing, create and compose music 
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated


It is our intent that our Music curriculum enables our children to foster a love of music from a wide range of musical genres. We believe that giving our pupils regular opportunities to experience music through listening, singing and learning to play instruments will promote their personal development and cultural capital. As well as promoting confidence, our curriculum enables children to explore music creatively and learn how to collaborate with others in the production and critique of music.

To make the understanding our curriculum child friendly and help our children become more responsible for their own learning, we use the following acronym.


Music - helps me to express myself in a fun and exciting way.

Useful – the team working and imaginative skills we learn will be useful in the future!

Singing - is a key part of our learning.

Instruments – Are used to by everyone and help us to create exciting music.

Creative – music helps us to be creative.


The Kapow Scheme is used to support the teaching of Music from Reception to Year 6. Lessons are held weekly. The scheme of work ensures a wide exposure to different genres of music, with lots of practical opportunities to explore and develop as musicians and singers. Kapow also has units linking to science and topic units allowing the children to explore these further. Each unit focuses on on a key strand from the national curriculum; performing, listening, composing and a history of music. In addition, Knowledge Organisers are used which articulate previous learning; key vocabulary and the sticky knowledge required to make progression in Music.


Each Unit of Work comprises of the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:

  • Listening and Appraising
  • Musical Activities
  • Warm-up Games
  • Optional Flexible Games
  • Singing
  • Playing instruments
  • Improvisation
  • Composition
  • Performing



Long Term Plan

 Music long term plan.docxDownload
 Music parent curriculum guide.pdfDownload
 Music progression of skills.pdfDownload
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Curriculum Policies

To see all of our policies concerning the curriculum click the link below:

Curriculum Policies