This page is all about safeguarding our children - keeping them safe in every way within our school community, and helping them to learn about how they can keep themselves safe.
​Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all staff working in school receive regular training and are familiar with the statutory guidance of Keeping Children Safe In Education (September 2024) Training includes a range of safeguarding issues, including the Prevent strategy to protect children from radicalisation and extremism, child sexual exploitation and Female Genital Mutilation.
At Christ Church the health, safety and well-being of all of our children is our highest priority.
The school’s designated safeguarding lead people are Miss Coward, Mrs Bastian and Mrs Tordoff.
Miss Karen Coward
Lead DSL
Mrs Amy Tordoff Mrs Joanne Bastian
Deputy DSL Deputy DSL
If you need to speak to the Designated Safeguarding Leads please call into school. If you have concerns about a child being at risk of harm, you can also contact Calderdale’s Multi Agency Screening team on 01422 393336.
We have a detailed Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which is available here.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Physical restraint: Christ Church follows advice that physical restraint may be used by using the Team Teach approach, if there is the possibility that a child may be about to cause harm to him/ herself or to another, Team Teach will be used, this is only carried out by trained members of staff. Parents will always be informed if your child has had to be restrained in school for any reason.
For further information on how to keep our children safe please visit Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership or the NSPCC website.
Useful Support Numbers
Women’s Domestic Violence 0808 2000 247
Men’s Domestic Violence 0808 801 0327
NSPCC 24hr free phone 0808 800 5000
Childline 0800 1111
Women’s Refuge 0845 155 1485
Police (if not urgent) 101
Social Services 01422 393336
Emergency Duty Team (out of hours social care) 01422 288000
Family Support Virtual Drop In: 01422 251090
Women's Centre: 01422 386500
Calderdale Staying Safe (Domestic Abuse Support): 01422 323339
Report Abuse in Education Helpline
A new national helpline called ‘Report Abuse in Education’ has been set up by the NSPCC to support children and young people who want to share current and non-recent experiences of sexual abuse and harassment. Young people and adults can contact Report Abuse in Education on the NSPCC Helpline 0800 136 663 or email
Runaway Support
Pace (Parents Against Child Exploitation)
Pace (Parents Against Child Exploitation) are a support service in Calderdale to support Parents/Carers. They offer preventative awareness-raising sessions as their aim is to help parents, communities and professionals to understand how exploitation happens, know signs and indicators, be better equipped with how to respond, and learn more about online safety etc. Please see the flyer for further information and how to contact PACE.
Prevent Strategy
Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. The Prevent strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent Islamist groups and other causes.
From July 2015 all schools have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism. This means we have a responsibility to protect children from extremist and violent views the same way we protect them from drugs or violence. Importantly, we can provide a safe place for pupils to discuss these issues so they better understand how to protect themselves.
Many of the things we already do in school to help children become positive, happy members of society also contribute to the Prevent strategy. These include:
- Exploring other cultures and religions and promoting diversity
- Challenging prejudices and racist comments
- Developing critical thinking skills and a strong, positive self-identity
- Promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, as well as British values such as democracy
We will also protect children from the risk of radicalisation, for example by using filters on the internet to make sure they can’t access extremist and terrorist materials, or by vetting visitors who come into the school to work with pupils.
Different schools will carry out the Prevent duty in different ways, depending on the age of the children and the needs of the community.
If you would like further information regarding the Prevent Strategy please contact school and speak to Miss Coward in the Pastoral Office.
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