Welcome to our Class 1 page
All about Year 1
Who is in our class?
Mrs Wright Mrs Kumari Miss Wilkinson Mrs Sigsworth Mrs Clifford
Class Teacher 1:1 Support 1:1 Support Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
Monday all day Every day Every day Thursday all day Tuesday afternoon
Tuesday morning PPA cover
Wednesday all day
Friday all day
Our Class News
We have spent lots of time in this first term getting to know our new adults, new classroom, new routines and new learning. We love playing and exploring the resources in class and have taken part in lots of practical learning opportunities.
Mrs Wright is getting to know us better, learning what we like and don't like and how we learn best.
We love being in Year 1 so far and are looking forward to more adventures going forward.
What have we been up to?
In science we are looking at seasonal changes in Autumn and Winter. We did some practical science experiments. The first experiment was a challenge to see if we could pick up ice cubes with string. Unfortunately, because it was so hot in class, this didn't work but we were able to have some excellent discussion troubleshooting it and seeing what might have made it work if we tried again.
We then replicated how a rain cloud stores rain and then becomes too heavy and the rain begins to fall. Year 1 loved this and created some beautiful artwork depicting the experiments.
Curriculum - Autumn 1
Curriculum - Autumn 2
Curriculum - Spring 1
Curriculum - Spring 2
Curriculum - Summer 1
Curriculum - Summer 2
Name | |
Geography & DT Summer 2 KO - Town, Country and The Seaside.pdf | Download |
Reading at home with your child is the single most important thing you can do!
Each week your child will bring home a phonics reading book. Please be sure to sign their reading record to celebrate how much wonderful reading they are doing. If a child has read 4 times within a week, this counts towards their Target Trip rewards. It may seem repetitive to read the same book over and over, but this is an important part of their reading journey. Familiarity with a text helps build fluency and confidence. Of course, please record any and all books that you read with your child as it is all greatly beneficial!
We are launching new Reading Certificates and prizes this year. Rewards will be given for every 10, 20, 50 and 100 books read.
We will also send weekly spellings linked to their phonics learning.
Finally, your child has a log in to play Numbots at home. This can be accessed on a phone, tablet or computer. We will also do sessions of this in school, so please don't worry if they cannot access it from home. Any extra practice will really help them with their maths learning, but we know not everyone has internet and devices. Please let us know if your child needs a reminder of their log in details.
This app is designed for young children and is a really fun way to support your child with their Maths learning.
Please see the videos below for more ideas on how to support your child's learning at home: