Christ Church Pellon C of e VC Primary School

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Admission Arrangements / Admission Intake 

At Christ Church School we follow the Calderdale Admission timeline, which can be found below:


Admissions Timeline 2023 24 

Primary Admissions digital leaflet 2025 (click to view)

Registering Interest

Do you think that Christ Church (Pellon) is the School for you and your child?  If so, please register your interest with us.  This means that when it is time to complete your application for primary school, we can send you the relevant admission information directly to you. 

Please take some time to have a look at our Facebook to see some of the exciting things that happen at Christ Church and gives you an insight into school life.

Please note, you can still apply for a place at this school even if you have not registered with us. 

If you have a pre-school child and wish to register interest with the school, please provide your contact details and child's details i.e. name, address, date of birth, to school.  The information can be emailed to or you can call the school on 01422 350792 and nearer the time your child is due to start school (approximately a year before) we will send you our initial information pack which will also include the Admission process.

School Prospectus

Please find below the link to the school prospectus.

School Prospectus


Please find below the schools Admission Policy

Admissions Policy

Click the logo above to get Calderdale Council Admission information

Transition from Nursery to School