Subject Leader
Mrs Wright
Subject Leader for PSHE
At Christ Church (Pellon) C of E Primary School we deliver a PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) curriculum which is accessible to all. Our curriculum enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social, cultural and economic issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by positively contributing to school life and the wider community, embracing community cohesion and caring for the environment. Pupil’s rights, well-being and safeguarding are also at the heart of Christ Church. All of this underpins Christ Church’s intent for our pupils - to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities.
PSHE plays a vital role across the whole of our primary education every day. It is interwoven into all aspects of school life including our school vision, core values, cultural capital, British Values, pupil voice, pastoral services, family learning events, support for national and local events/charities and cross-curricular, complimenting other subjects including science, computing, physical education and religious education. Alongside this, weekly PHSE lessons are taught from one of the three core themes: Health and Well-Being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. These combined ensure a comprehensive coverage of the PHSE curriculum including Relationships, Sex and Health education (see RSE policy) which are set out in the following statutory documents: DfE PHSE, DfE RSE, Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) guidance and the PSHE association programme of study.
In addition to this, if there are occasions where teachers may feel it necessary to teach an aspect of PSHE, as a result of an issue arising, then subject specific issues/lessons will be addressed. PSHE also plays an important part of school assemblies where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.
At Christ Church (Pellon) C of E Primary we use the Coram Life Education SCARF scheme to teach PSHE including RSE lessons and some assemblies. Coram’s vision is, ‘that all children will have the best possible chance to live a fulfilling life’ which links to our school vision, ‘Soaring High, Together We Shine’ and our school’s cultural capital opportunities.
This comprehensive PSHE curriculum includes vital elements such as the rights of the child, caring for the environment, economic education, British Values and SMSC. Lesson plans are mapped to the DfE statutory guidance, PHSE association and the National Curriculum. This all-encompassing PHSE programme of study enables our children to make connections between their own experiences and understanding of the world, with the benefits of:
- Making learning more real, relevant and meaningful
- Helping to create richer learning opportunities
- Enabling learners to make connections between subjects
- Providing opportunities for the wider development of skills and value.
As a whole school, each year group covers the same themes each half term. Lesson plans are organised online under the PSHE Association's programmes of study three core themes and topics, including the teaching of RSE. See Christ Church (Pellon) C of E Primary Long Term Plan for further details.
SCARF provides the framework for a whole-school approach to improving our children’s wellbeing and progress, based on five values: safety (S), caring (C), achievement (A), resilience (R) and friendship (F). Each value is linked to a colour on the scarves worn by Harold the giraffe and his friends, and which everyone in school can wrap around themselves either in reality or in their imaginations, reminding them to put the SCARF values into action.
The SCARF values are brought to life through age appropriate stories of Harold and his friends, songs, films, and thought-provoking and fun activities which children experience during Coram Life Education sessions throughout the whole of their primary school life. These sessions are lead weekly by class teachers and annually by Coram Life Education experts. The experts deliver sessions on PHSE aspects for Reception – Year 3 in the Life Bus and RSE aspects for Years 4 – 6 in Life Spaces in the classrooms.
Long Term Plan
Name | |
1. Long-term plan PSHE.pdf | Download |
British Values
SCARF provides a robust framework for promoting a positive ethos and values cross the school community, contributing significantly to British Values education, both explicitly and implicitly. Many SCARF lessons relate directly to one or all of the British Values’ themes of:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty and
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
At Coram Life Education their research shows that ‘SCARF is making a difference in schools today – because it gives them a whole-school approach to improving children’s wellbeing and progress, based on the core values of safety, caring, achievement, resilience and friendship, and developed with the knowledge that improving children’s health and wellbeing improves their academic attainment.’
Wider Whole School PSHE
In addition to Coram Life Education, we provide our children with many other enriching opportunities to experience and enhance their PHSE learning.
Our school’s PHSE long term plan again, clearly outlines these for the whole school and each year group. However, here are a few examples:
- Whole school – National link:
World Mental Health Day #HelloYellow Young Minds
We belong with the thousands of people who say #HelloYellow to support children and young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day. We raise awareness of mental health by coming to school in non-uniform linked to the colour yellow, our volunteer contributions are donated to the charity and we participate in activities throughout the day. These are celebrated with friends and family through family learning class events.
- Whole school – Regional link:
Calderdale SmartMove Charity
We are proud to be one of the Calderdale schools who support many of the Calderdale SmartMove Charity events throughout the year. The aim of the initiative is to raise the awareness of the acute issue of homelessness. The objective is to support those either homeless or vulnerably housed across Calderdale, the most disadvantaged across our Borough. An example of an event we participate in is DressDownDay when pupils and staff alike pay £1 for the privilege of no uniform and all proceeds go to Calderdale SmartMove.
- Whole school – School and local community link:
Community Coffee Mornings
We aim to host whole school community coffee mornings, inviting both children and their adults to join us in our themed sessions. To name but a few: New School Vision Launch, Grandparents Day, Crafts for Christmas and Easter. All of our sessions are interactive and include fun, creative crafts whilst enjoying a light refreshment and lots of chat.
- Whole school – School link:
Pupil Voice
Our children have frequent opportunities to have their voice heard and because of this; they play an active part in school life. Children are able to express their views and opinions through a variety of mediums including the weekly ‘Big Question’, school council discussions, assemblies and lessons, as well as comment on various correspondence throughout the year, including reports, SEND ISPs, focused reviews/meetings and questionnaires.
- Year groups:
Reception ‘People Who Help Us’
As part of Reception’s curriculum they learn about ‘People Who Help Us’. We link this to both our community, by inviting services in to talk and interact with the children, including the police, nurses and health visitors and the wider world, with current news and events.
Year 6 ‘Residential’
Year 6 have the opportunity to join their class on a three day residential trip, being away from both school and home. The benefits for both pupils and the relationships they have with the year 6 teachers and support staff, we believe is immense, during this important final year of primary school. To name but a few of these benefits:
- Developing emotional and social skills
- Unplug from technology
- Trying new things
- Friendship building and resilience
- Mental stimulation and physical activity
- Independence and empowerment
- Confidence reinforced through success
- Creativity, free of judgement
- Sense of community and belonging
Our curriculum is constantly reviewed and updated according to the Government’s advice and the needs of our children.
In school, your child's school uses SCARF for our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education. With SCARF, children learn vital life skills they need to help them be happy, healthy and safe.
Click on the link to access some of our SCARF at home activities. These are similar to the ones your child's class are doing in school at this time and are all age appropriate.
Autumn 1
The unit this half term is Me and My Relationships.
Autumn 2
The unit this half term is Valuing Difference.
Spring 1
The theme this half term is Keeping Myself Safe.
Spring 2
The topic this half term is Rights and Responsibilities
Summer 1
The theme this half term is Being my Best.
Curriculum Policies
To see all of our policies concerning the curriculum click the link below: